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Working conditions and health status of telephone communication operators: analytical review

ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.17, No 4, 2021

Working conditions and health status of telephone communication operators: analytical review

Bobko N.A., Martynovskaya T.Yu., Gadayeva D.A.
SI ”Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kiev, Ukraine

Full article (PDF): ENG / UKR

Introduction. A growing social demand for telephone communication operators in the society “24/7”, along with the increasing requirements to their psycho-physiological sphere, actualize studies on dynamically changing working conditions and their impact on the health of workers.

The purpose of the study was to reveal the specific features of working conditions and their connections with the functional body state and parameters of health status of telephone communication operators.

Materials and method of the study. Analysis of literature from electronic databases of scientific sources on biomedical information (National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine, National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky, PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, CIS, e-library, etc.) and Internet portals Google and Yahoo, using a structural-logical approach and a biblio-semantic method, was made.

Results of studies and conclusions. Characteristic features of the work of telephone communication operators are: intense information and neuro-emotional load; high load on the auditory and visual analyzers, voice apparatus; work in shift schedules, including night shifts, under lack of time, using video displays, computer software, headsets, means of communication, often - under conditions that do not meet hygiene standards. The leading harmful factors of working conditions for telephone communication operators are work strain and noise (Class 3.1-3.2). Microclimate (exceeding the threshold limit values (TLV) for air temperature and speed of air movement; low humidity) and aeroionization of the air (insufficient) also do not meet hygienic standards (Class 3.1). Depending on specific conditions, 15-47% of telephone communication operators experience occupational stress; up to 80% of operators report sleep problems. The most common are problems with vision, hearing and voice - the most loaded organs during work. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (mainly the cervical spine), female pelvic organs, upper respiratory tract (mainly cough), diseases of blood circulation are also prevailing; there are data on diseases of hemopoietic organs, neoplasm, mental diseases. Occupational stress in telephone communication operators increases the number of health complaints. After 45 years old, the functional state of the circulatory system is worsening and the effectiveness of nerve regulatory mechanisms decreases. As a risk group for health, telephone communication operators need specific preventive measures to maintain their health and extend their occupational longevity.

Key words: telephone operators, call centers, working conditions, strain, noise, low levels of electromagnetic fields, vision, voice, functional body state, occupational stress, “burnout”, sleep, diseases, blood circulation.


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