DOI xxxxxxxx
Nahorna А. M.1, Varyvonchyk D. V.1, Ilchenko A. M.1, Sokolova M. P.1, Remennyk O. I.2, Shtanko V. L.3
1SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
2Senior health management of Kyiv district state administration
3Kyiv city central tuberculosis dispensary
It is found that very high risks of occupational infection with HIV at workplace are recorded among more than 30 % workers of medical and prophylactic establishments (MPE) of surgical and tuberculosis type. Among MPE workers of surgical type risks are formed due to high incidence of occupational accidents with high risks of HIV-infection, and among workers of tuberculosis establishments— significant probability of HIV-infection due to high incidence of morbidity of patients with tuberculosis with HIV/AIDS (13,6 % of all patients with TB). There are evident shortcomings in MPE in realization of pro¬phylactic measures due to the lack of sufficient number of personal protection means for workers, low acceptability to quali¬fied medical care in the case of an accident at workplace with high probability of HIV-infection. The need in realization of group and individual preventive measures in HIV-infection at work place has been recognized.
Key words: HIV/AIDS, medical workers, occupational risk, prophylaxis