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Information for authors

The Editorial Board of the "Ukrainian Journal of Occupational Health" invites you to active cooperation.

Scientific papers that have never been printed anywhere: original articles; lectures; literature reviews; peer-reviews (ordered by the editorial staff); abstracts of papers, abstracts of dissertations; information on the congresses, conferences, symposia, meetings, seminars and other scientific, scientific-practical and practical events (as ordered by the editorial staff) can be submitted.

Rules for posting materials:

Scientific papers can be published in the section "Original Articles". An article should include an introduction and the main part. The following elements should be highlighted in the introduction: description of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent researches and publications, in which the solution of the problem is initiated and on which the author relies, underlining the previously unsolved parts of the general problem, to which this article is dedicated; formulating purposes of the article (statement of the task). The main part covers the main research material along with information on compliance with bioethical standards, with the full substantiation of the scientific results obtained, conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction.

The structure of the main part may include the following elements:

- materials and research methods;

- results of the research and their discussion;

- conclusions.

2. The text of the manuscript should be presented by the generally accepted scheme:

- title of the article - in bold letters with no highly specialized abbreviations, no point at the end of the title; with central alignment;

- surnames and initials of the authors (in the center);

- title of the organization where the author works, the affiliation (if there are several authors from different organizations it is necessary to indicate the affiliation of the each author);

- abstract and keywords in the language in which the article is written. The abstract should have the same sections as the full text of the article: purpose of the study, actuality, methods, results, conclusions and recommendations. These sections should be separated by paragraphs;

- the text of the article in accordance with paragraph 1;

- references according to the Harvard standard including DOI or URL-address (if available) (please see point 7);

- ORCID of the each co-author, their contribution to the preparation and writing the article bearing in mind that “general guidance” or “participation in data collection” is not a reason for co-authorship;

- information about financial support for the study;

- contact person.

3. The material should be accompanied by:

- expert opinion, written by the peer-reviewer in accordance with a form in the “Information for reviewers” on the site of the Journal;

- the author statement on the original nature of the scientific article and the contribution of each co-author in the preparation and writing the article.

4. The last page of the article should contain personal signatures of all authors and information on the contact person: surname and name, postal address, telephone number (office, cell), e-mail.

5. The author's original paper includes:

- text from 6 to 18 pages of computer performance (for formatting options, please see paragraph 6, both figures and tables when counting the pages of the text should be excluded) – for original papers; 12 to 30 pages – for lectures and literature reviews, 3 to 6 pages – for peer-reviews;

- the list of references: for original articles - no more than 10 references, for lectures and reviews - no more than 40;

- tables (no more than 4) - on the separate pages;

- figures (no more than 4) and designations to them – on the separate pages. In addition the figures should be given as separate *.jpg, *.png or *.tiff files;

- abstracts - no less than 1800 symbols;

- key words – no more than 15 words.

6. Formatting options:

- the article should be prepared using the editor MS Word for Windows (WinWord, Win WordXP);

- the file format - *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf;

- the manuscript must have a through page numbering (with any placement of numbering on the page);

- the file should have no previous versions, prohibit editing or access by password;

- font - Times New Roman 14 pt., line spacing - 1,5;

- paper size - A4 (210x297) – portrait orientation; page margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 2 cm, right- 1 cm; binding - 0 cm;

- figures and tables should not break the paragraphs;

- formulas should be presented using the formula editor Microsoft Equation;

- figures (diagrams, graphics, charts) should be prepared in MS Word or MS Excel and send as the separate files together with the text file;

- in the figures (drawings, graphs, charts) and tables, only black and white colors should be used (no halftones);

- raster graphics should be presented in formats *.tif, *.psd with a resolution no less than 300 gray; Vector -

7. Rules for the text of the article:

References should be given in English (in Latin) in accordance with the Harvard standard in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. The order numbers of descriptions in the list should be linked in the text (number links) and given as numbers in square brackets.

The number of figures (drawings, schemes, diagrams) and tables should be minimal. The caption under the figure includes its title and explanations of all symbols (numbers, letters, curves, etc.).

Units of measurement and physical quantities, results of clinical and laboratory studies should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (ISU), medical terms - according to the International Anatomical and International Histology nomenclatures, the names of diseases - according to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th Revision, medicinal products - under the State Pharmacopoeia (X, XI). The names of companies and equipments should be given in the original transcription.

Abbreviations in the text of words, names, terms (other than well-known) are not allowed. Abbreviations are decoded after the first mention and remain the same throughout the text.

Responsibility for the reliability and originality of the submitted materials (facts, quotations, names, surnames, research results, etc.) is the responsibility of the authors.

Manuscripts that are non-compliant with the rules are not considered and are not returned to the authors.

The Editorial Board provides a blind peer-review of a manuscript by two independent experts, in the absence of a conflict of interest, within one month from the day the material was received, and performs scientific and literary editing of the text. Minor corrections should be made by authors within one week. The authors are given 48 hours to proofread the article.

A refusal to publish an article is possible with no explanation of the reason and is not a negative conclusion on the scientific and practical significance of the research done.

Editorial Board