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Kalnish V. V., Schepankov S. N.


Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kiev

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. The importance of studying the impact of long-term hard work on a working person is due to the fact that unusual and prolonged working conditions are observed not only in narrow occupational groups, but also because now, in the period of military operations in the eastern regions of Ukraine, servicemen can be in dangerous and adverse environmental conditions for a very long time. Therefore, the study of regularities of the transformation of hemodynamics in helicopter pilots, working in conditions of the increased danger, is timely and relevant.

Purpose of the study. To reveal regularities of hemodynamic changes in pilots and engineering-technical personnel and to distinguish the accompanying shifts in their psychological state during a long-term staying in the peacekeeping mission in Liberia.

Materials and methods. The investigations were conducted on the basis of a separate helicopter detachment of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of Liberia from November 2013 to July 2014. The survey covered 40 flight personnel and 40 ground-based engineers and technicians. Each month of work in the peacekeeping mission, hemodynamic parameters were measured: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate. In addition, pulsed pressure (PP), the ratio of diastolic and systolic arterial pressure (Ip = DAP/SAP), and the vegetative Kerdo (IK) index were calculated.

Results. As a result of the analysis it is necessary to emphasize that a significant difference of hemodynamics in pilots and engineering staff is observed, despite the same tendency to development of chronic tension; there is a sense to treat this as the presence of unequal mechanisms of this development. The argument in favor of this thesis is the fact that the pilots and the engineering- technical staff have a different set of links between the characteristics of the hemodynamics and the sensations of their psychological state during their stay in the peacekeeping mission. Thus, in pilots there have been recorded a significant correlation at p less 0,05 level between such parameters: SAP-depression level – (r = -0,95); DAP-depression level – (r = -0,95); PP-feeling – (r = 0,75); ІК-level of depression – (r = 0,79); ІК-level of risk – (r = 0,69). The engineering and technical staff showed the presence of fewer significant correlation at the level of p less 0,05 between such parameters: the climate SAD parameters – (r = 0,67); DAD-state of health – (r = 0,67); Ip-mood – (r = 0,72). As can be seen in the data given above, the correlations of hemodynamics and psychological state in pilots are manifested, at most, by rather conservative characteristics: by depression and risk levels. In the engineering and technical staff, hemodynamic parameters are associated with dynamically changing parameters of the emotional background (state of health, mood) and the indicator of the psychological climate in the team.


. The dynamics of hemodynamic characteristics in the flight crew, staying in the peacekeeping mission in Liberia for 9 months, indicates the gradual development of the state of chronic tension. The mechanisms of development of chronic tension in pilots and ground engineering-technical personnel are different both by the severity of the dynamics of hemodynamic indicators and by the structure of associations between parameters of hemodynamics and psychological qualities, manifested as connections with stable (in pilots) and operatively changing (in engineering- technical staff) characteristics of the emotional state.

Key words: hemodynamics, chronic tension, pilots, peacekeeping mission


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