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Varyvonchyk D. V.1, Shevchenko V. I. 2


1SI "Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine", Kyiv

2P. L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv

Full article (PDF), UKR

Introduction. The researches, conducted within last years in Ukraine, demonstrated that workers of the medical sector can be exposed to 59 cancer factors at workplace. Dominating of them are 10 work factors, which show the effect on more than 75 % workers of this branch. Among them these are: factors of disinfection and sterilization (32,6 %), laboratory and diagnostic (16,7 %) and treatment (11,5 %) factors, natural-domestic and transportation factors (39,1 %).

Purpose of the study: to define an etiological part of occupational cancer factors in formation of work-related cancer morbidity in workers of health protection branch.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of relative risks (RR) of morbidity of workers of the health protection branch on malignant neoplasms (MN) (city Kyiv, 2011–2013) was conducted. The odds ratio (OR) and attributive risk (AR) of MN morbidity in workers as a result of exposure to cancer production factors was studied (formaldehyde, strong acids, containing sulfuric acid, ethylene oxide, silicon crystal dioxide, nickel and its compounds, chromium (VI) compounds, benzene, benzidine, preparations for MN chemotherapy, ultraviolet and ionizing radiation).

Results. It is established that OR of MN development in workers of the health protection branch are higher as a result of the exposure to cancer factors at workplace, of which the most significant are: ionizing radiation (by 26,0 times), medicines for chemotherapy of MN (by 20,0 times), ultraviolet radiation (by 17,0 times), strong nonorganic acids (by 12,0 times), ethylene oxide (by 11,0 times), formaldehyde (by 7,0 times), showing the risk increase of MN occurrence of: pharynx, bronchi and lungs, mammary glands, skin, urinary bladder, lymphomas and leucosis. In general, the exposure to cancer chemical and physical factors at workplace caused the increase of absolute and relative risks of MN morbidity by 2,0 times. In this, individual and attributive risks of MN morbidity in workers were significantly higher (AR = 48,7 %) than the population risk (ARp = 0,92 %), pointing to insignificant number of the exposed workers of the health protection branch (up to 1,9 %). Conclusion. The obtained data is the basis for development of preventive measures of work-related cancer morbidity in workers of health protection branch.

Key words: malignant neoplasm, workers, health protection branch, occupational health risk factors


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