3(7) '2006
Lastovchenko V.B.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Full article (PDF), RUS
The state of health (H), activity (A), mood (M), systolic blood pressure (SBP). diastolic blood pressure (DBP). heart rate (HR), latent period (LP) of the complex ocular-motor reaction (COMR) were measured in operators during daily and night8-hours and 12-hour shifts. The parameters of circadian rhythms, such as acrophaze (maximum and minimum), amplitude, mezor were determined. The largest number of normal circadian curves were found in heart rate, indicating the relative sta-bility of circadian rhythms to the effect of working process factors. The normal circadian rhythms of H,A, SBPand DBP were observed in single cases. The shift of circadian rhythms meanings of H, A, M, SAP and DAP beyond the limits of their norm at the beginning of daily and night shifts was established. Factors that manifested their desynchronizing effect on circadian rhythms were as follows: neuro-emotional strain, mobilization of the body and significant volitional efforts specific for begin-ning of the work.
Key words: operator, atomic station, 8- and 12-hours work shifts, parameters of circadian rhythms
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