Sapizhak I. I.
State Institution "O. S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kiev
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Introduction. In Ukraine there are recorded more than 270 thousand patients with various types of sensorineural hearing loss, (0,6 % of total population), of which deafness has been diagnosed in nearly 100 000 patients. By the WHO data (2002), noise is the second, among seven occupational risk factors, in occupational diseases.
Purpose. To examine the effectiveness of suspensions of embryonic stem cells in experimentally induced aminoglycoside ototoxicosis in Guinea pigs.
Materials and methods. Studies were carried out on 20 adult Guinea pigs. The hearing loss was caused by administration of 100 mg gentamicyn per body weight. Neuronal stem cells (NSC) were administered in the volume of 2 million cells in 0,5 ml intratympanally and 4 million cells in 1,0 ml intramuscularly on 1, 8 and 15 days, in experiments.
Results. The methodology of using and preparation of the suspension from embryonic stem cells enables to provide their necessary number for further transplantation in vivo, with the same characteristics in cells. Aminoglycoside ototoxicosis obtained, in particular, within a 14-day administration of gentamicin in Guinea pigs in the dose of 100 mg/kg per body weight, was accompanied by the general intoxication: appetite decrease, weight loss, frequent urination, falling of hair. The administration of neuronal stem cells on the first day, before and after administration of aminoglycoside, completely and on 8 and 15 days partially, neutralizes manifestation of symptoms. The administration of gentamicin to Guinea pigs within 14 days caused disorders in architectonics and morphology of the inner ear, microcirculation in the vascular strip, confirmed by morphological investigations. The administration of NSC on the first day of artificially simulated amynoglycosides ototoxicity prevented its development in 14-day injections of gentamycin, that is confirmed by the data of functional and morphological studies.
Conclusions. The obtained data show correctness of the taken direction in studying possibilities of using neuronal stem cells for prevention and treatment of ototoxic effect of amynoglycosides on inner ear in Guinea pigs.
Key words: neuronal steam cells, sensoneural hearing loss, aminoglycoside, Guinea pigs
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