Dolinchuk L.V., Basanets A.V., Andrushchenko T. A.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
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Introduction. In recent years an increased incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is observed in workers of coal, metallurgical and mining industries. Nowadays, a priority task is the search for more effective methods of prevention, which would be enable to prevent the development of the disease. With this in view, the determination of susceptibility of genetic markers to COPD allows to open new possibilities for prevention of this disease in risk groups.
Objective of research. To define a role of MMP-2 gene polymorphism (C-1306→T) in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in order to improve early detection and primary prevention of the disease.
Materials and methods. A real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to detect a polymorphism C-1306→T of the matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) gene. The study covered 72 miners with COPD, and 79 miners without the respiratory system pathology.
Results. The frequency of prevalence of MMP-2 gene polymorphism C-1306→T is similar to Caucasian population. This study made it possible to establish the association between the major C-allele (OR = 0,58; 95 % CI: 0,33–1,04; p < 0,05; c2 = 3,78) and СС genotype (OR = 0,55; 95 % CI: 0,27–1,12; p = 0,07) of MMP-2 gene with the resistance to development of COPD in miners. The presence in the genome minor T allele (OR = 1,71; 95 % CI: 0,96–3,05; p < 0,05; c2 = 3,78) allows to determine a predisposition to risk of COPD in miners.
Conclusion. The results of the research make it possible to open new perspectives for improving measures of primary prevention of COPD, based on determining the genetic predisposition to COPD development.
Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, genetic markers, MMP-2, miners
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