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Kirsenko V. V., Yastrub T. A., Kovalenko V. F., Demchenko V. F., Aleksandrova L. G.


SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv

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Background. A substantiation of an acceptable daily intake (ADI), development of hygienic norms and regulations is an obligatory condition for the state registration of new pesticides in Ukraine. The most significant stage in this procedure is substantiation of ADI, where a combination of toxicological data by an acting ingredient of a pesticide is used, covering the data on acute, subacute, sibchronic and chronic toxicity, absorption, distribution, elimination and metabolism of a pesticide, its delayed effects and genotoxicity. The established significance of ADI, in combination with other hygienic standards (threshold limit values for a pesticide in compartments of the environment and work conditions, maximum acceptable levels in food products) and regulations, create an information support, showing a distinct representation on the degree of safe use of a pesticide, and, in the final, the possibility of its state registration and application as means of plant protection.

Purpose. To ground the ADI and hygienic standards for Dodin- (an active ingredient of the fungicide «Silitt 400 SC») by the results of studies, conducted in state trials in Ukraine.

Methods. Analysis of materials on Dodin toxicological dossiers submitted by the International Programme on Chemical Safety and the European food safety agency, the results of research carried out at the State Institution «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine» and National Medical University by A.A. Bogomolets on substantiation of hygienic standards and regulations on safe use of the formulation «Sillit 400 SC» with guidelines for hygienic evaluation of new pesticides. Results. The acceptable daily intake of Dodin — 0,1 mg/kg/day has been grounded, based on no observed effect levels (NOEL) = 10 mg/kg, established by the results of chronic experiments on dogs and a safety coefficient = 100. For the implementation of the sanitary control on application of «Sillit 400 SC» in conditions of agricultural production it is necessary to keep to the following hygienic standards and regulations: ADI — 0,1 mg/kg/day; OEL for the air of the working zone — 0,4 mg/m3; OEL for the atmospheric air — 0,01 mg/m3; MAC for water reservoirs — 0,003 mg/dm3 (general sanitary regulations); AAC for the soil — 1,0 mg/kg; MRL for apples — 0,9 mg/kg (limit for quantification by HPLC — 0,4 mg/kg); for apple juice it is not per¬mitted (the limit of quantification by HPLC — 0,025 mg/kg). The re-entry time for gathering apples — 60 days, for workers for mechanized operations in the apple orchards - 3 days, for manual work — 7 days.

Conclusions: "Sillit 400 SC" (a.i. dodin, 400 g/l) — a systemic fungicide of preventive and therapeutic action by "Agrifar S.A." (Belgium), used to protect apple trees from a combination of fungal diseases. It is recommended for permanent registration in Ukraine at the rate of 1,7—2,25 l/ha and the maximum number of treatments — 2. The Class of hazard — 2 (limiting criterion — inhalation toxicity); it is dangerous for contacts with eye mucous membranes.

Key words: substantiation, ADI, safety, fungicide, apple trees, spraying, MRL


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